Carbon Removal Method


Forestation simply means the planting of trees over a wide area. Forests act as the lungs of Earth by drawing down CO₂ and releasing life-sustaining oxygen into the atmosphere, while simultaneously conferring a multitude of other ecosystem benefits.



Forestry is a proven, scalable, low-cost solution that utilises the power of trees. Forests all over the world take up carbon at differing levels, and in order to be considered carbon removal, new trees must be planted.

Forestation projects can provide co-benefits like livelihoods, biodiversity, or aid in food systems—but, when misused lead to mono-cropping or biodiversity reduction. So, they must be planned carefully to contribute towards fighting our climate goals.

Supplier: CommuniTree
Method overview

Different types of forestation

There are three main types of forestation approaches: agroforestry, reforestation, and afforestation. Each approach involves planting new trees, but they differ slightly in their implementation. We explain these differences below.


Agroforestry is the intentional incorporation of trees and shrubs into agriculture. The two most common approaches to this are growing crops (silvo-arable) or pasture for consumption by animals (silvo-pastoral) beneath and in between trees.


Reforestation involves replanting or naturally regenerating trees in areas that have been affected by natural disasters such as wildfires or droughts, as well as man-made disturbances like logging, mining, and agricultural clearing.


Afforestation is the practice of creating new forests by introducing trees to previously non-forested areas. Land lost to desertification, disused agricultural and industrial areas, and land degraded from overgrazing is all suitable for afforestation projects.

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