Partner Directory

Meet our calculation partners.

We only work with companies that are taking action to reduce their emissions. If you need support in calculating your emissions and setting strategies for reductions, we have a range of great partners that can help you out.

Our Approach

Why we don’t calculate emissions for you.

A lot of companies offer to both calculate emissions as well as help with the offsetting of them. However, at Klimate we are going about this differently.

For two main reasons, we only offer access to portfolios of thoroughly vetted high-quality carbon removal to help companies compensate for their unavoidable emissions.


We want to ensure trust and integrity

It seems logical to have one partner to take care of everything when it comes to going carbon neutral. However, there is a good reason why your accountant and auditor are not the same person.

Most companies that sell offsets, including ours, charge a commission for each credit. This means that the larger the emissions, the larger the commission. This creates a conflict of interest when making the calculation.


We believe everyone should do one thing and do it well

Sourcing and analysing the best carbon removal solutions is a big undertaking, and we want to focus all our efforts on this.

At the same time, calculating emissions is equally complex, and we see a growing number of companies specialising in industry-specific calculations like real estate, food, e-commerce, and even furniture!

We are under no illusion that we can be as good as them, therefore we choose to collaborate instead.

Our partners

Find the partner you need.

Across all approaches.

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Want to kickstart your carbon removal journey?

Send over your details and talk to our expert team on how our partners and us can support you on your journey.

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