Carbon Removal Project

Varaha - Nepal Agroforestry

Nurturing sustainability in Nepal, Varaha’s ARR initiative helps the communities in planting the native fruit and nut trees by educating the communities in scientific ARR practices helping them restore ecosystems and biodiversity.

CARBON Removal Method



Nature based





Vintage year


Varaha - Nepal Agroforestry


Varaha's ARR (Agroforestry, Reforestation, and Regeneration) project spans seven districts in Nepal, strategically emphasizing the cultivation of native fruit and nut trees such as Loth Salla, Apple, Suntala, Rudraksha, Sal, Timur, Kiwi, Sissoo, Lemon, and more. Through the accelerated adoption of scientific ARR practices, the project empowers smallholder farmers to harness carbon finance effectively, generating high-quality removal credits. Varaha implements robust Measurement-Reporting-Verification systems tailored for ARR, allowing farmers to track, measure, and verify carbon impacts with enhanced integrity and transparency, ensuring a commitment to the highest standards in environmental accountability.

Source: Varaha
Varaha - Nepal Agroforestry


Varaha's Nepal-focused ARR project, featuring active contributors such as Ishwor Thapa and Sushila Khadka, strategically cultivates a sustainable future in Nepal's rural landscapes. By integrating a diverse array of plant species, including endangered Himalayan Yew and various nut-bearing and fruit-bearing trees, the initiative aims to elevate smallholder farmers and land stewards. In collaboration with Muktinath Krishi Company Ltd., this ARR-focused carbon finance project serves as a catalyst for environmental conservation and equilibrium. Through systematic tree nurturing and community empowerment, Varaha's project establishes itself as a model for sustainable development, climate change mitigation, and the fostering of economic resilience.

  • Verra - The Nepal-focused Agroforestry project is registered on Verra.
Varaha - Nepal Agroforestry


Varaha, a carbon project developer empowered by technology, focuses on smallholder economies in the global south. The company passionately advocates for Natural Climate Solutions such as regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and biochar. Employing an end-to-end approach, Varaha ensures that benefits from their initiatives are distributed equitably among land stewards, nurturing sustainability and climate resilience. Beyond the projects, Varaha maintains an unwavering commitment to excellence in monitoring, reporting, and verification practices. Their unique integration of advanced technologies, including remote sensing and bio-geo-chemical models, establishes a benchmark for unparalleled quality.

Thanks to Klimate and climate champions in developed economies our projects can sequester greenhouse gases and also empower smallholders to increase their resiliency, income, and independence. With their support, we can strengthen food and water security for growing populations in the face of climate change.

Ikarus Janzen
Chief Commercial Officer
Varaha - Nepal Agroforestry


In pursuit of its vision, Varaha sees a future where smallholder communities prosper in the face of climate challenges. The company dedicates itself to empowering these communities through inventive Natural Climate Solutions, fostering a sustainable harmony with nature. Varaha aspires to assert itself as a global leader in technology-driven climate action, playing a pivotal role in instigating positive change for communities and the planet at large.

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