Current emissions

Experts agree moving from avoidance- to removal-based compensation is necessary.

Carbon offsetting strategies today are too absolute and lack delayed gratification. Too often, companies use low quality offsets to make bold climate claims – making them susceptible to greenwashing scandals and regulatory backlash.

Together with reduction strategies, targeting a proportion of your total emissions with high quality carbon removal presents a more sound strategy. Over time, as unavoidable emissions decrease, a growing proportion can be removed until net zero is achieved.

Work with Klimate to set a carbon removal strategy that is affordable, credible and achievable.

Trusted by leading global brands

Carbon removal

Don’t waste your investment on low-quality carbon offsets


Carbon offsets, such as avoidance credits, often end up focusing on cost rather than effectiveness and credibility.


Low quality carbon offsets can create reputational, greenwashing and long-term regulatory risk.


Using carbon removal is aligned with the scientific community’s guidelines and regulatory direction, enabling your business to truly achieve net zero.

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Companies that are taking action.

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