
There is a better way to organise events

Events today generate a tremendous amount of emissions. Much can be avoided by better and more environmentally conscious planning.

For the emissions that remain, use carbon removal and make your event more sustainable. Include the cost of the carbon removal in your ticket pricing or offer sponsors and/or exhibitors the opportunity to pay as a way for them to show that they care.

Trusted by leading global brands

Carbon removal

Events are high residual emissions activities. It is time to do something about it.


A 3-day event can generate up to 75% of what a person's annual carbon footprint should be by 2030 (2.5 tCO₂).


There are many ways to reduce emissions associated with an event including: hosting local events at locations that are easily accessible by low emission transportation or by providing low emission food options.


When we’ve done our best to reduce emissions there will still be residual emissions that need to be addressed.

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Companies that are taking action.

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