B Corp Month

B Corp Month

B Corp Month Klimate is proud to be a Certified B Corporation as of 2023, placing us alongside over 8000 B Corp Certified businesses in more than 80 countries. Given that March is B Corp month, we are taking the chance to celebrate this initiative and highlight our...
Forest Remote Sensing: Explainer

Forest Remote Sensing: Explainer

Transparency is paramount in the rapidly growing carbon removal market. As in every market, buyers want assurance that sellers will deliver their purchases and provide the value they promise. So how do carbon credit suppliers guarantee their carbon storage...
Navigating CSRD and Carbon Removal

Navigating CSRD and Carbon Removal

Navigating CSRD and CDR The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has brought significant changes to the European corporate landscape since its implementation on January 5, 2023. This directive heightens mandatory reporting on the double materiality of...